We uphold honesty and strong moral principles, and always.
We take responsibility for our actions and their outcomes.
We deliver superior, dedicated, and impactful service every time.
In Tanzania 31% of children under 5 years are stunted, according to National nutrition survey of 2018-2019. Ever since it was founded, COUNSENUTH has been running various nutrition programs aimed at reducing maternal Anemia and childhood stunting by promoting optimal nutritional practices.
Gender inequalities and discrimination represent a huge loss of human potential especially of women; hence is partly responsible for vulnerabilities in our societies. Therefore, gender equity, human rights and rights based approach have always been cross cutting components of COUNSENUTH’s community programs.
Gender inequalities and discrimination represent a huge loss of human potential especially of women; hence is partly responsible for vulnerabilities in our societies. Therefore, gender equity, human rights and rights based approach have always been cross cutting components of COUNSENUTH’s community programs.
Tanzania mainly depends on seasonal rainfall for agricultural activities in food production. Due to climate change the rainfall patterns are unpredictable and this affects the national food security.