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COUNSENUTH is an indigenous, prominent, women-led, national, non-governmental organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for women, children, adolescents, youth and vulnerable groups in Tanzania.
The Centre was established in 1998, and after over 25 years of experience, COUNSENUTH has built a strong organizational base and leadership.
To improve the quality of life of vulnerable groups through cost effective, innovative evidence-based actions that enhance positive behaviours and practices to improve their wellbeing through active community participation
Tanzania whose people, particularly children, women and other vulnerable groups have optimal health, nutrition and quality life.
Integrity, accountability and excellence in services
To improve the quality of life of vulnerable groups through cost effective, innovative evidence-based actions that enhance positive behaviours and practices to improve their wellbeing through active community participation
Women, children, youths, people with disability, adolescents and households Other vulnerable groups such as orphans, the elderly and the sick Social/health service providers at all levels CSOs (including FBOs, CBOs and NGOs) Relevant training institutions, policy and decision makers, general public