Accelerating Stunting Reduction Project (ASRP) was a 4 years project addressing reduction of childhood stunting in six districts in Mbeya region. The project was supported by UNICEF and implemented jointly by COUNSENUTH and Catholic Relief Services (CRS). Key project interventions include capacity building of LGAs in Busekelo, Kyela, Mbarali, Mbeya, Rungwe DCs and Mbeya, to enhance planning and implementation of nutrition interventions; growth monitoring and promotion at community level; promotion of backyard gardening and small livestock keeping; advocating for delivery of quality care and integrated nutrition services for pregnant, lactating women, infants and young children at health facility and community level to improve health and nutrition status of the targeted population. The program has reached about 40,000 pregnant women, 68,600 children under two years old and 204,800 under five years old.