Care is Our Duty


MBNP team in Dodoma Region celebrates with Regional Government staff and Dodoma Municipal Council Nutritionist celebrates victory for being the first winner of 2017 NaneNane Exhibitions in Dodoma Region

MBNP is a USAID funded program through the Feed the Future (FtF) and Global Health Initiatives. The program was implemented in 5 regions of mainland Tanzania namely Morogoro, Dodoma, Manyara, Iringa and Mbeya as well as Zanzibar. The Mwanzo Bora Nutrition Program supports the Government of Tanzania’s goal to bring about significant changes in the nutritional status of communities. The program also supports community and health facility-level interventions in three districts in Zanzibar. The program is implemented within a consortium (Africare, Deloitte, The Manoff Group, and COUNSENUTH). The program was implemented through a multi-faceted evidence-based approach which includes Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) and strategic grants to partners to implement high-impact nutrition interventions. The main interventions include promoting adoption of positive behaviors at household and community levels, institutional strengthening to improve the quality of facility-based nutrition services and nutrition programming at national and sub-national levels, capacity building of councils/districts’ human resources to provide basic nutrition services to support the reduction of childhood stunting and maternal anemia in communities.

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