Care is Our Duty

Annual report 2020


This report highlights implementation progress and contributions the Centre has made in addressing nutritional challenges by tackling other key barriers that affects the nutritional status in Tanzanian communities through various projects implemented during the year 2020. Despite the COVID 19 pandemic outbreak, the Centre has been able to accomplish most of the activities planned. However, implementation approaches had to be modified to accommodate restrictions and prevention measures. Part of the program resources were allocated to support interventions addressing Government efforts in responding to the COVID 19 pandemic.

Investments in nutrition are among the most powerful and cost-effective measures for country’s development. Tanzania is among the developing countries that have accelerated the fight against child malnutrition. For more than 20 years, the Centre continued with several interventions spanning from Stunting reduction, WASH improvement, improving food safety through effective and inclusive regulation of street food in Tanzania (Dar Es Salaam), Promotion of Gender equality, improvement in academic performance for girls, and addressing climate change challenges.

The Centres’ projects and programs implemented are aligned to the Government of Tanzania’s NMNAP goal of improving nutrition status of women of reproductive age and children under 5 years age as well as its strategic pan (2019 – 2023). Throung various projects, efforts to strengthen Local Government Authorities and its systems the Centre continued to facilitate the Local Governments to integrate projects initiatives and the NMNAP goals into their Council Plans to facilitate sustainability.


To achieve its objectives, the Centre implemented the following projects:

Lishe Kijinsia Dodoma Program: This is a community-based gender equity driven nutrition project aimed at improving maternal, infant, young child and adolescent nutrition implemented in Chemba DC, through financial support from the Irish Aid. The project was at its 3rd year of implementation.

Accelerating Stunting Reduction Project (ASRP):

Implemented in 6 districts of Mbeya region in collaboration with the CRS and with financial support from UNICEF with the aim of reducing the prevalence of stunting among young children under-five years of age. The project phased out in December, 2020.

Kigoma UN- Joint Program is an intergrated community based project jointly implemented by COUNSENUTH and CRS in Kigoma region which aims at scaling-up, synergetic community-based interventions to improve lives of the most vulnerable children, adolescents and women through financial support from UNICEF

Kijana Jiongeze Project: A collaborative learning pilot project implemented by COUNSENUTH and Tunduru DC with financial support from the Mastrcard Foundation aiming at improving academic performance of secondary school students.

Corporate Social Responsibility


Counselling and Technical Support Services at the ORCI: This is a volunteering project implemented as part of our corporate social responsibility in prevention and management of diet related noncommunicable through provision of nutrition counseling services on the prevention and dietary management of the disease to cancer patients and families at the Ocean Road Cancer Institute (ORCI) The aim is to enhance treatment for patients through improved nutrition; and prevention of cancer for affected families.

The Wasichana Leadership Project: The overall objective of this project is to support Orphan Girls by providing scholarships to attend Secondary and High School Education through contributions from Friends of COUNSENUTH; and other support by voluntary contributions from the staff. This is also part of the Centre’s corporate social responsibility


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