1. Project Name
Sustainable Targeted Responsive Approach to Optimize Nutrition and Growth for Adolescent Girls and Young Women (STRONG)
2. Donor
Latter Day Saints Charities
3. Duration of the Project
5 years (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2028)
4. Areas of Implementation
- Mbeya: Mbarali DC, Rungwe DC, and Mbeya DC
- Kigoma: Kibondo DC, Uvinza DC, and Kigoma DC
5. Key Beneficiaries
- Adolescent Girls and Young Women (10 to 24 years)
- Children Under two years of age of Adolescent Girls and Young Women (CU2 of AGYW)
- Community members
6. Goal of the Project
Adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) live healthy, productive lives and break the cycle of intergenerational malnutrition
7. Key Objectives
- Adolescent girls and young women have improved nutrition status
- Children under two of AGYW have improved nutrition status
8. Key Achievements
- Project launch and inception meetings at national and regional levels
- Project introduction at ward levels
- Trained 390 Teachers on adolescent girls and young women nutrition
- Trained 87 Field Agents
- Trained 400 Community Health Workers on adolescent girls and young women nutrition and PD hearth
- Trained 144 healthcare providers on adolescent girls and young women nutrition and integration of nutrition services in ANC services
- Held meetings with 90 Ward Extension Officers to enhance the provision of technical support on agriculture and livestock keeping to adolescent girls and young women in and out of school